Holiday Gift-Giving Traditions

Holiday Gift-Giving Traditions


Sometimes gift searching can get in the way of gift-giving. In the search for the perfect gift, sometimes we might be worried we’re thinking more about the money and less about who we’re shopping for. This is why establishing some holiday gift-giving traditions can help take a little bit of the pressure off, and make the processes of giving gifts and receiving gifts fun again. Especially as adults, we often forget that gifts are meant to be enjoyed, and not every single gift needs to have a deep meaning to them, other than “I care.” Here are five gift-giving traditions you can try.


Advent Gifts

Advent gifts are a way to put together smaller, less-expensive gifts in a way to build up until the big day. You can do this for any holiday, really, even if they are traditionally intended for Christmas. Usually, these come in calendar form, with chocolates or candies behind doors representing the days leading up to Christmas. If you get people calendars that can be re-used, just get a little something to fit behind the doors and you’re good to go.

Give a Gift to the Family

What’s something the whole family can share? It could be extravagant, like a TV, or it could be as simple as a board game you think they’ll all like, but finding a way to involve everyone in the same gift each year is a fun way to keep people together. Even if people find themselves separated during the holidays, there are online games and other gifts that can keep the family together.

Matching Gifts

Okay, so it doesn’t have to be matching pajamas for everyone, but let’s be honest – matching PJs are a lot of fun. Find something that everyone can have and be part of a group and, as long as it’s something everyone can enjoy together – even a nice cocoa mug – you’ve done your job.

Christmas Eve Gifts

Some people do and some people don’t, but if you’re part of the latter, you might consider letting everyone open a gift on Christmas Eve. It’s a fun way to get a little bit of that anticipation sated while also letting everyone look forward to the next day. Some families make it something small and simple, like clothing, something they can wear the next morning.

Subscription Gifts

Depending on what the person you’re shopping for likes, you can probably find a subscription box or a magazine subscription, or even a streaming service subscription that will make their life exciting. A little something new each month will keep reminding them of you.


If you are thinking about the people to whom you’re giving gifts, you’re doing it the right way. Not everything has to be “on theme,” and sometimes Carl who collects salt and pepper shakers might get tired of just getting salt and pepper shakers. Maybe he just wants mittens. If you find something and it screams that person’s name, give it a try. There’s nothing wrong with being thoughtful.

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